Character Design & Illustration

Scientific Illustration

Scientific Illustration

After graduating in Scientific Visualization I also worked locally as a Scientific Illustrator with institutes such as the University of Zurich, Museums and Zoos.

Illustrations of the aquarium in the zoo of Basel “Zolli”

All images have been realized through the Atelier Guido Köhler & co.

Paleo Reconstruction for the Natural History Museum of Zurich

Nanosaurus agilis

Three different versions of Nanosaurus agilis for the new exhibition (2024) as rotating MixMax.

In cooperation with Dr. Dennis Hansen and David Inauen (University of Zürich)

Illustration for the Museum of Anthropology in Zürich for Museum Merchandise

Concepts and Visualization for the Zoological Museum of Zurich

Shelly - the interactive Seaturtle
Bachelor Project concept and realization for the Zoological Museum in Zurich

Shelly - The Making Of

Collab of Nadine Cocina (Interaction Designer) and Clio Wolfensberger (Scientific Illustrator) as Bachelor project at the Academy of Arts in Zurich 2018.
Developed with Paquita Hoeck Maiorano & Denis Hansen (Museum)